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Have a Tax expert at your finger-tips

Distressed taxpayers could be left up the creek without a paddle in dealing with a tax assessment dispute with SARS!

Inspite of COVID-19 having a devastating impact on taxpayers, SARS tax audits are on the increase in efforts to recoup lost revenue.

To protect taxpayer's rights, the Office of Tax Ombud launched the #taxpayersrightsmatter campaign in September 2020.

However, the tax Ombud can only assist taxpayers if it concerns systematic issues with SARS.

So where does it leave taxpayers?

To prove there is an issue, taxpayers must be able to afford the services of a tax practitioner or tax lawyer, who have the necessary skills and Know-how.

This is exactly why you should have a Tax Risk Insurance Policy
- it's like having a tax expert or tax lawyer at your finger-tips!

* Terms and conditions do apply

For any advice or assistance on our Tax Risk Insurance policy please give us a call on 031-5021922 or visit our website