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The impact of load shedding on a security company’s operational resources is severe, and with the return of load shedding we’re urging our clients to help us beat the dark so everyone can walk out the other side safely!

When the power goes out, our control centre receives an influx of thousands of false alarm signals, which puts immense strain on both controllers as well as reaction officers, to still action these signals timeously.


Panic signals are prioritised to identify real emergencies amid the false alarm clutter. PLEASE press your remote panic button, when in a real emergency.

Please be patient with us as we wade our way through thousands of signals while still doing everything in our power to ensure our clients’ safety.

Of course, load shedding doesn’t only impact us, but you as well. Ensure that you are prepared during power dips with our 7 load shedding safety tips:

1. Communication lines stop working  Including ISDN lines and portable phones. So what should you do? Ensure you have both a telephone and radio communication set up, so that if one fails a signal will still be sent to the control room.

2. Keep tabs on your system’s battery – An 18 AMP battery should provide backup power for your alarm system for more than five hours, depending on the size and sophistication of your home security system.

3. Consider storing a spare battery at home – Batteries are not particularly expensive and it is possible to save money and change it yourself once you know how to do the job.

4. Regularly test your alarm system for faults – Load shedding can cause power surges when the lights come back on. Unfortunately, these surges have the potential to damage your alarm system and other home appliances.

5. Keys and gates – Make sure that you have the keys for your electronic garage doors handy, particularly if the system is not linked to a back-up battery. Remember to test your driveway gate battery regularly, especially if you have not replaced it for a few years.

6. Torches and cellphones – Recharge torch batteries regularly and ensure cellphones are fully charged ahead of a scheduled load shedding event. Keep candles and matches in easily access places in your home such as by the front door so if the power goes out you know exactly where they are.

7. Mobile App – If you find for whatever reason that your battery has failed and your alarm system dies, you will still be able to call for help in an emergency if you have the Blue Security Mobile App set up on your cellphone. Just press the panic button on the app and a security professional will contact you to establish the nature of the emergency.

If you need any assistance regarding testing your home alarm system, battery replacements or advice on how to access our mobile app, contact us on 031 717 5000.

